10 Easy Ways to De-Clutter the Kitchen
Whip your kitchen in shape with these easy tips
You use the kitchen every day. You know where everything is. You also make a mess. It’s time to take...
The Seasonal Rotation
Replacing and storing your clothes for each season
OK, so winter is coming up and you need to make way for all that bulky clothing. You’re used to just...
The Vacuum Vibe
12 Tips for making vacuuming more effective than ever
“What’s to know? It’s self-explanatory! It’s just a vacuum cleaner!”
You couldn't be blamed for saying these things if someone were...
Those Were the Ways!
Tried and true tips for all-natural cleaning
It is not necessary to depend on store-bought cleaners for every little thing. Ideally, you could ditch the household chemicals you’ve come...
Tidy Home, Mellow Mind
Remove clutter and improve your outlook
Maybe Sunday is the day you reserve for housecleaning. But it seems like whether you do a general straightening up/surface clean or a...
Laundry Day
How to make the time-consuming chore a little easier
Most people in the full-time working class have a day or evening set up for it. It requires a bit...
Helpful Household Tips That Will Make You Ask, “Why didn’t I...
From cleaning to safety, here are a few things that can make your life a little easier…
There’s nothing more frightening than removing a stuck or worse, broken, light...
Easy Phone Cleaning Tips
Keep your phone clean with what’s around the house
There is no greater animal of technology than the cell phone. We love ‘em, we care for them. But we...
CLEANING: What NOT to do!
Common mistakes that make cleaning harder than it should be
Ditch the duster, buster!
You’re wasting your time dusting with a feather duster. Why? The only people that look good...